The Watson-Brown Foundation awards grants to qualifying organizations that have an abiding interest in the history and culture of the South.


Grant Interests

Grants take many forms, including book subventions, museum and archive support, preservation awards, educational programming and research support. Typical recipients include colleges and universities, scholarly societies, and other public charities that collect or advance knowledge of our region.

The Foundation supports historic preservation in part through its Junior Board of Trustees, a talented group of high school students that makes grant awards to worthy preservation projects in east central Georgia. The Junior Board is divided into three chapters: Milledgeville, Thomson and Athens. Each chapter awards $33,000 annually. For more information, please visit our Historic Homes.

The Foundation focuses its giving largely within the southeast. The majority of grants awarded support southern studies and related programming at the college level. Academic disciplines and areas of interest also include:

• History
• English
• Literature
• Law
• Agricultural Education
• Historic Preservation

Types of Support the Foundation will consider to advance its mission include:

• Operating support
• Publication subventions
• Research grants
• Program grants